About Drogheda Cycling


The idea for the Drogheda cycling Group was started by Local resident Noel Hogan in 2020. Noel wanted to help develop a culture of safe family friendly cycling in the Drogheda area. It quickly became apparent that there was a real need for cycling advocacy in the Drogheda area. This need was due to the lack of infrastructure and general poor safety for cyclists on the roads in the area. Noel became active on social media, and quickly found support from the people of Drogheda.

Since the group’s first social media posts, interest has increased, and likeminded local cycling advocates and enthusiasts have gathered around this call to arms. The group as it became, first met in March 2021, and have since become a formal Group centred around our mission statement and shared objectives. There is real momentum and energy in the group, and we call on anyone in the locality who shares our vision for cycling in Drogheda to get involved. If you agree with our mission statement below and want to help, please make contact.

Our Mission


Drogheda Cycling’s purpose is to campaign for and promote cycling for all in the Drogheda area. We are open to all and believe in access for all.

We believe that cycling can help contribute to Drogheda becoming a healthier, safer, more sustainable community. It is our intention to set out a vision for the future of our town based on the following principles:

  • Cycling should be a safe and accessible option for everyone.

  • Improvements to our transport infrastructure should be developed with appropriate consultation with the whole community.

  • Cycling has well recognised health benefits both physically and mentally.

  • Drogheda will be a more sustainable community if cycling is widely embraced.

  • The Development of a Cycling culture in Drogheda can boost our retail sector and revitalise the town centre.

We hope to achieve this by:

  • Lobbying decision makers on a local and national level to improve infrastructure and facilities for cyclists.

  • Working with local stakeholders in Drogheda and the surrounding area, to advocate for and promote a cycling culture in the Drogheda Area.

  • Being inclusive and allowing everyone who believes in our core aims to contribute to our policies.

  • Promoting our message by hosting events, working with media outlets and utilising social media.

  • Develop and promote a cycling culture in Drogheda by holding community cycling events such as the Sunday Cycle family event.

  • Gathering and publishing data on cycling in Drogheda and surrounding areas

  • To propose and map new cycling routes and to promote the development of an integrated cycle network in Drogheda and surrounding areas.

  • Working with the Active Transport Department of the Louth and Meath County Councils to provide local knowledge via consultation.

  • Making submissions on proposed active travel projects in Drogheda and South Louth to both the Louth and Meath County Councils

  • Encourage the development of social enterprises that promote cycling in the Drogheda Area such as a Bicycle upcycling community workshop.

  • Advocating and promoting for cycling friendly business in the area. We do this by championing and promoting local businesses that take up the cycle to work scheme, provide employee and customer bike parking, shower facilities for employees who commute by bicycle etc. 

Meet the Group


The Group is made up of an executive committee elected at our first formal meeting following the formation of the group and of a wide range of local members representing cyclists, the business community and local government amongst others.


Executive Officers

Chair – Noel Hogan
Treasurer – Daniel Danko
Secretary – Anthony Murphy

The Committee

Cllr. Michelle Hall
Robert Murray
Bobby McCormack
Declan Behan
Alan Cooney
Anthony O’Connor
Stephen Albuquerque
Michael Spillane